
ISB’s Mónica Orellana, Nyasha Chambwe Honored With Inaugural Education Recognition Awards

2019 education awards

From left to right: JoAnn Chrisman, Dr. Mónica V. Orellana, Dr. Jim Heath, Dr. Nyasha Chambwe, Dr. Christine Schaeffer

ISB’s unique approach to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education involves working with each part of the education system — principals and administrators, teachers, and students.

Importantly, scientists and other STEM professionals — many right here at ISB — work with every stakeholder in the education system. These professionals are passionate about ensuring the next generation of students are equipped with a quality STEM education.

“It’s really hard providing a tangible feeling of the technologies around us,” ISB President Dr. Jim Heath said in an award presentation celebrating two inaugural education recognition awards. “It is my pleasure this year to recognize individuals who have had profound impacts on our educational programs.”

Heath presented the Christine Schaeffer, PhD, Award for Exemplary Service to STEM Education to Dr. Nyasha Chambwe, a research scientist in the Shmulevich Lab. Since 2014, Chambwe has engaged with learners from all parts of the education system and helped them develop a deep understanding of the nature and practice of science.

The JoAnn Chrisman Award for Distinguished Service to STEM Education was presented to Dr. Mónica Orellana, who has been a powerful and positive force for ISB Education for the past 15 years. Orellana, a principal scientist in ISB’s Baliga Lab, has helped develop ocean acidification curriculum that has led to millions of students around the world completing hands-on, authentic research in classrooms.

These inaugural awards  are named after two invaluable ISB ambassadors: JoAnn Chrisman and Dr. Christine Schaeffer.

Chrisman has been a tireless and selfless advocate and has devoted her time, energy and expertise to ISB for nearly a decade. Schaeffer serves on ISB’s Board of Directors, is a founding member of ISB’s Foundation Board, and has been a steadfast contributor to ISB and Providence St. Joseph Health.

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